Money Management
Money Strategies and Management
Our financial priorities tend to change as we move through life. The good news from AMP’s 2018 Financial Wellness Indexi is that only 7% of Australian retirees aged 65 or over report being stressed about money. So if you’re feeling the pinch earlier in life there is light at the end of the tunnel.
How the move to electronic payments could be making it easier to spend…and what to do about it.
According to recent findings, three out of five Aussie customers are not receiving any financial benefits from having a credit card.
If you’re like me, you generally have a few coins in your pocket at the end of the day.
Budgeting in plain English - What is a budget?
A budget is a plan that works out how you will manage your income and expenses. Maintaining a budget is a powerful way to control your money.
Imagine feeling on top of your finances. Knowing you're in a position to enjoy your life today, while also saving for tomorrow.
If that sounds good to you, you're not alone. In a recent survey, 54% of Australians aged 55-64 strongly agreed they'd like that too.i