
Investing strategies and helpful tips that help you build a stronger financial future.

General Investing

The income or growth conundrum

The income or growth conundrum

(Reading time: 2 - 4 minutes)

Both income and capital growth are important aspects of investing, but they can serve different purposes when part of a well thought out strategy, which is prioritised based on your needs, objectives, and circumstances.

Focusing on the right thing with investing

Focusing on the right thing

(Reading time: 2 - 4 minutes)

It certainly can't have escaped your notice that the shares in the top companies of Australia and the world got hit mighty hard last year. The extreme volatility has dominated the news headlines, adding fuel to the post Covid uncertainty.

moving forward after World Financial Markets fell earlier in 2022

What to expect moving forward after World Financial Markets fell early this year!

(Reading time: 6 - 12 minutes)

Higher medium return potential (assuming inflation is tamed)...

Key points

  • The fall in bond and share values and rise in their investment yields on the back of higher inflation has seen our medium term (5 to 10 year) return projections for a diversified mix of assets rise to around 6.8% pa.
Investing under uncertainty

Investing under uncertainty

(Reading time: 3 - 6 minutes)

What is the essence of successful long-term equity investing? It’s embedded in the right focus – on things we can control and things that matter. It means basing our investment policy on our financial plan as distinctly opposed to a view of the economy, the markets and the daily noise surrounding them.

SFP Market Update Edition 26

Another five great charts on investing that are very useful in times of uncertainty like the present

(Reading time: 6 - 11 minutes)

Key points

  • Successful investing can be really difficult in times of uncertainty like now making it important to stay
8 key learnings from 2020

8 key learnings from 2020

(Reading time: 6 - 11 minutes)

Mainstream and financial media keep presenting us daily with the ever-present worry list surrounding investment markets that relates to economic activity, profits, interest rates, politics, etc. Or by the perennial predictions of an imminent crash.

The Australian economy – five reasons growth will continue

The Australian economy – five reasons growth will continue

(Reading time: 5 - 9 minutes)

But unlikely to be enough to justify rate hikes until 2019

Key Points:

  • The Australian economy grew 2.4% through 2017, good but well below potential given high population growth.